Mar 7, 2009

Just about finished

Its just about done i got all this work done last weekend but because i started a new job i haven't had time to post it. Overall I like where it is at but there is so much i want to do to it. Like most digital paintings they are never complete.


J. Anthony Kosar said...

Hey buddy, just found your blog! How have things been since Graduation? I hope all is well!

The art is looking good, I like where this one is heading, but don't lose that sketchy nature of your initial sketch. I'd like to see some of that poke through the paint. Remember to incorporate a mix of the sketchiness of your initial sketch and the refinement of your photoshop digital paint like Tom said. You really had that working well with several of your pieces before graduation.

Dominic Philibert said...

Nice process man!!!!!