Mar 16, 2010

Started the digital painting today. Spent about the past 30 min adding color. Im not really feeling good with the results right now it needs more contrast between the light and the shadows i always seem to loose my shadow pattern a little. Color has always been my weak spot. I need to figure out how to make colors that more or lest harmonize. You know warm and cool colors that work together. I figure if i keep at i will get better. At least i hope i get better. Well we shall see how this turns out. Keeping you guys posted.

Mar 9, 2010


Sorry for the lack of post everyone. Here is a caricature of Jason Segel to make up for it. This is one of three sketches I am sending to Kaman's Art Shoppes for a caricature artist position. I will be posting the other two as soon as i get to scanning them all in.